Learn what we are all about.


We gets hundreds of questions monthly. 

To streamline your journey, see below for answers to our most common questions.

Have a burning question which isn’t listed? Reach out now.


How Did Come About?

If you’re like us, then at some stage you probably thought that the journey to becoming a wildly successful entrepreneur was all about working as hard as you can, learning everything and then ‘giving 100%’ every day. So why doesn’t this work for 99% of people?

How often do we see people rise up and start to get results in their field, only to completely stop and change what they are doing and start all over again..

You see, the real determinant of success momentum and the success equation goes something like this:

Input > Results > Consistency > Momentum > Exponential Results > Fantastic Success

And the reason most people never great success, is because they never achieve momentum, or never stay in momentum long enough to experience exponential outputs for their daily inputs.

And Why..?

Because even the most ambitious men -perhaps especially, the most ambitious men- aren’t following what they are truly meant to be doing in life. They were just following the last shiny object they saw and when things got tough, another shiny object came along to take it’s place. It’s a sad reality. Look at your history and look at the history of others. The long term efforts don’t point in any consistent direction.

In order to have sustained, world-class success in business, you need to devote yourself to your work st the highest level. It has to be his craft, an art form -his life’s work.

The Solution? Your Calling.

Up until this point, you may not have heard a Calling explained or defined in an objective sense before, but the #1 thing you need to learn right now, is that it is a man’s calling is his firmest foundation from which to build his online business empire. 

What Does Do?

In order to have sustained, world-class success in business, a man needs to devote himself to his work at the highest level. It has to be his craft, an art form -his life’s work.

The Solution? Your Calling.

Our definition of a Calling is:

The authentic process of carrying out the work you have been called to do, to become the person you’ve been called to become, in order to achieve the impact you have been put on Earth to make.

The #1 thing you need to learn right now, is that it is a man’s calling is his firmest foundation from which to build his online business empire. is the world’s most significant and comprehensive stronghold of knowledge on one’s Calling in life.

We prescribe an innovative combination of both traditional and cutting-edge frameworks, used to facilitate a deep understanding of one’s Calling.

We do this to empower ambitious men in using their Calling as the firm foundation for their future success in their future business and life. A man’s calling is his firmest foundation from which to build his online business empire. 

We don’t just box you into standing any old random business, we help you do it all; the right way.

What is a 7 Figure Calling?

A Calling is: The authentic process of carrying out the work you have been called to do, to become the person you’ve been called to become, in order to achieve the impact you have been put on this Earth to make.

7 Figures: There are 7 figures in 1,000,000. ‘7 Figure’ refers to running a predominantly online business which generates more than $1,000,000 in annual revenue. A 7-Figure-Business is generally regarded as one of the pinnacles of success by the self-made online business community.

A 7 Figure Calling is the ingenious fusion of these 2 elements, for meaningful and highly potent commerce at the forefront of the online world today.

As with fingerprints, 7 Figure Callings are ubiquitous and within the reach of every one of us.

Browse our 7 Figure Calling (link) program if you are serious about making your 7 Figure Calling a priority this year.

What Products And Services Do You Sell?

We started with the end user in mind and then from that, we’ve engineered a line of offerings targeted to break guys through the universal stages of business; from idea, to semi-automated 7 figure business empire.


In line with this, we offer: 

1. Secrets of A 7 Figure Calling, the book 

2. The 7 Figure Calling Blue Print

3. Upstart 7 day challenge

4. Our core offering, the premier, 7 Figure Calling program

As well as bespoke custom offerings to premium long term members.

In addition, we also provide a free Facebook Community for your growth and free daily publications for your self-education including The AfterGrind Podcast, Our Blog and weekly live streams on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram.

See Services.


When Are The Next Live Events?

Our major in-person live events will be postponed for 2021 due to Covid-19.

However, we are organising local events in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney in 2021, subject to covid restrictions as well as regular quarterly digital summits and online events to serve in all the ways we still can!

How Do I Learn More About What You Do?

We have committed to publishing daily videos, podcasts and blog articles, as well as interviews which you can tune into and learn from, for free!

Video Link

Blog link

Podcast Link

Last, but not least, pick up a copy of (link)Secrets of a 7 Figure Calling, our incredibly implementable book, which provides an introductory framework for you to rapidly learn the basics, in order to get started on your 7 Figure Calling journey. Pick up your copy now, right here(link).

Can I Ask A Specific Question?

For non-members:

Due to the large volume of enquiries we receive at most times of the year, we are not always able to provide a considered, custom answer to all question which you may have for us. 

Luckily, with this in mind, we publish consistent daily material as well as the comprehensive starting guide in our book Secrets of a 7 Figure Calling. Just about every starting question you have thought of -and many you haven’t yet- can be answered by studying these materials.

For Premium Clients:

Joining our 7 Figure Calling qualifies you as one of our premium clients and therefore entitles you to our highest standards of service, far-surpassing any consulting or advice we would be able to provide on a ‘free-basis’

We put our clients first. In so doing, we reserve our premium, custom consulting and coaching for our clients who have invested in the 7 Figure Calling Program, where all queries are provided with considered responses within 24 hours.  

About Dylan Somerfield

Who Is Dylan Somerfield? And What Makes Dylan 'Qualified' to Help Lead In This Movement?

“My own Calling in life is to serve ambitious men by fascinating their call to greatness and then provide world class training in sales, marketing, entrepreneurship and more, to help men find and fulfil their 7 Figure Callings..

.. After learning from just about every mistake an ambitious guy could make in his early career, I have dedicated my life to this cause.” – Dylan Somerfield.

Dylan has used phone and online selling to generate tens of millions of dollars in revenue for companies and individuals alike. He has pioneered a new framework for any motivated man to find his calling which works hand in hand with the online business paradigm he facilitates.

Today, Dylan spends each and every day following his own calling, translating his vision into reality by removing obstacles and creating frameworks for ambitious men who’ve heard their call to greatness. He founded and is devoted to become to the world’s foremost expert on Callings, with being the #1 stronghold for ambitious men to come to find and achieve their 7 Figure Calling. 

The Vision

Our vision is to make The Calling, synonymous with Ambition for Entrepreneurs.

We see two problems in the world today.

#1 Young men who are highly ambitious, but only to meaningless ends chasing material things and doing work which doesn’t fulfil them. They ultimately fail or change their business, before they achieve any real momentum, impact or outstanding success.

#2 Young men who want to make a huge difference in the world, but don’t have not yet unlocked their true ambition, ability to sell themselves and their own vision to see how digital entrepreneurship can be their vehicle to change the world.

Everything we do at aims to serve these two issues that young men face, removing obstacles so they are empowered and clear on how to carry out their 7 Figure Calling and live a life they could have only dreamed of, helping the people they have been called to serve.


I Believe In This Vision, How Can I Contribute To This Movement?

5 prong call to action.

Can Dylan Speak At My Next Event?

Dylan speaks at a set number of events annually for organisations and companies.

He is equipped to adapt his speaking and keynote services flexibly in terms of topic, duration, audience and occasion. 

Please see our Speaking Engagements (link) page to see if our services are a good fit for your upcoming needs.

Can I Interview Dylan?

Media representatives and influencers seeking interviews or opinion comments can contact us here(link).

Working with

Who Do You Work With?

We Are A Full Service Global Consulting And Coaching Company And We Help Ambitious Young Men, Find Their Calling In Life To Build Their Online Business Empire.

Our clients are driven, future entrepreneurs, almost entirely from Western Countries such as The UK, Australia, The USA, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and more and are typically in their 20s or early 30s.

We welcome people from all backgrounds who are ready to make their business, their top priority; we just need your heart and mind to be in it 100%.

What Exactly Can I Expect From Working With

Everything we do at is for the express purpose of helping ambitious men fascinate a strong understanding of their calling in life and then build an online business empire on this foundation.

Our services help to achieve this mission in the following ways:

Daily Publishing: By tuning in regularly to our daily videos, blog posts, podcasts, interview and networking opportunties,



7 Day Challenge

7 Figure Calling Program

If you tune in regularly =x, if you read the book = y, if you implement all of the advice in the book = z, if you work with our 7 figure calling program, = a

How Does Your Process Work?

Our process goes beyond just business training and coaching. We use a unique framework of combining deep personal discovery and performance to unlock your Calling and then we educate you, step-by-step, on our business paradigm. This includes training on how to develop an offer, how to market, how to sell, how to run the operations of your business, how to deliver, scale, automate and more.

How Do I Know This Process Will Work For Me? Who Does It Work For?

This process only works for ambitious men who are finally ready to make business their priority. It will not work – we will not be able to help you, if you do not commit to the process and do all of the work we prescribe. The men guys who have truly defied my wildest expectations were the ones who were tenacious, dynamic and consistent.

“A man can only become as successful as he allows himself to be. I was so stubborn for my first 2-3 years in business.. it took me years to learn lessons which a disciplined and open-minded individual can acquire in mere weeks. Suspend prior judgements of how business should be done, surrender to the process and give your all if you want to see the rapid entrepreneurial growth which is possible.” – Dylan Somerfield


Do You Offer A 'Guarantee'

If we could guarantee that every guy who joined our premier 7 Figure Calling program, participated in our framework and 8 week program to the fullest extend, then we would guarantee everyone’s results. However, for obvious reasons we cannot do this – some guys are hungry and burning to start their online business empire and some are non-committal. The amount of effort you put in, is out of our control.  

What we control is that we show up every day 100% for you and if you do the same, then we will guarantee you will get the maximum personal and business growth possible for you, during the initial 8 weeks.  

Should I Work With, Instead Of Studying A 'Certificate in Business'?

For many guys, particularly in their early 20s, the idea of picking up a ‘certificate in business’ or going to university to study ‘business’ sparks their interest. This is because studying something which is offered by a government or large institution feels ‘legitimate’ and it makes a man feel like he’s ‘making tangible progress’ because at the end, he will have ‘a piece of paper’.


There are many problems with this.


First of all, if you study a genetic qualification at large traditional institution like those above, you will get nothing more than a generic piece of paper, which certifies that you have acquired general knowledge about business and it will not serve you beyond anything you could google online if you were stuck actually running your business without this piece of paper.


The next issue is that ‘pieces of paper’ and even generic business degrees are only useful to guys who want to become EMPLOYEES.


If that is you, there is nothing wrong with that, but you are definitely in the wrong place. serves ambitious men who want to start their own business empire and follow their calling. This is simply impossible as an employee. Do not try to do this, as it will simply waste many years of your life and a lot of impact and success you could have enjoyed.


The final issue is that the people you are learning from are just lecturers or government workers and they have most likely never run a business in their life. Ask them about digital social media marketing funnels and ascension offers… they will have no idea what you are talking about.

As you can see, there if you have found yourself over here to, there is zero reason for you to study these online certifications. Becoming a premium member of will ensure that with work and time, you have an unquestionably strong vision of your Calling and have begun to build your online business empire.

If it means that much to you, I can write you a certificate of completion, but please don’t value the ‘piece of paper’, value the transformation and progress you have made as a person, and in your new business!

Why Should I Work With, Instead Of Joining [Insert 'Business Opportunity From Other Guru']

As he writes about in our book Secrets of a 7 Figure Calling, Dylan had personally invested around $70,000 USD before the age of 25, in various online and offline courses, programs and books, learning almost everything there is to know out there. This lead him to realise that there was a seriously critical gap in the market. This gap is one’s Calling.

As of 2021, there is not a single other company out there, which can help fascinate and educate an ambitious man on his Calling in life.

When a man does not follow his calling, when he is ignorant of his Calling, he does little more than dabble, comment on social media, learn endless things from online courses and book and ultimately is of no service to anyone, including himself. If a man who is ignorant of his calling does attempt to commit to a business or an impactful endeavour, he ultimately gives up when things get tough and moves onto the next shiny object.

It is the Calling that is responsible for whether a man ultimately goes ‘all in’ for the long term, archives momentum and has a breakthrough, enduring success. is the world’s foremost stronghold and authority on harnessing the power of your newly discovered Calling, to build your online business empire.


How Much Does It Cost To Work With

We are a vision driven organisation. All of what we do is to contribute to the fulfilment of our vision of empowering 1,000,000 ambitious men to follow their calling and build their online business empires.

We provide all of the below services for free in order that we can ascend any ambitious man, regardless of his circumstances, to the level at which he may be able to take action for himself and experience results:

We provide daily publishing on video, audio and written formats, 100% free of charge for anyone with an internet connection to start learning.

We provide a free blueprint for ambitious guys who have learned a little bit and are ready to see start planning out their own mission and business. This is also 100% free and accessible (here)

We provide a 7 Day challenge for free which test people on what they know and educates them on the basics in order to prepare for business and their transformation. 


By utilising the above free services, a man who is wanting to make his business a priority this year, will typically find himself eager to join our premier 7 Figure Calling Program. 

For an ambitious man to join our premier 7 Figure Calling Program and begin his transformation, he must be willing to invest a total of $2,000 USD*. 

This money should be seen as a direct investment in himself, his future business and his Calling.

*Prices will be increasing in the near future.

Can You Help Me With Just The One Thing That I Am Stuck On Right Now?

We do find that we get many requests from ambitious guys who feel as though they just need one little answer to move them forward. As we mentioned in the above FAQ: “Can I ask a specific question?”, we are not able to consult in a considered way to non-members. But we will always try and point you in the right direction when you reach out to us directly, or comment on our social media publishing.

For people who are currently unwilling or unable to invest in their personal growth or their business, (and we understand there are legitimate reasons in the short-term as to why this could be), we will commonly link you to our articles or videos which help you do a bit of self study, so you can move forward whilst you improve your position ready to have the time, energy and resources to invest into your growth as a premium client. 

For our members, we offer a framework, which has been strategically designed to help facilitate growth and meaningful progress for all different guys in all sorts of different businesses and walks of life. 

We will absolutely use some of the in-built flexibilities of our framework to personalise and ensure that you will break through the current challenge you find yourself stuck in right now.

Do You Have Any Client Testimonials?

All of our products and services have been used by many prior clients and have been tweaked and iterated to the point today where they enjoy regular quality reviews and testimonials. Please see the individual services on their pages for information and testimonials.

Do You Only Consult, Or Can You Help Me Implement too?

We are a full service consulting and coaching company with end-to-end service, all the way from a the mere idea of a business and no idea of your Calling, to a growing, semi-automated 7 Figure Business which is closely aligned to your Calling in life. We help educate, strategise, plan, implement and correct you along your course where needed.

Why Don't You Work with Anyone and Everyone?

We occasionally receive enquiries from ambitious young women or others who are slightly outside of our usual demographic and occasionally we make exceptions where it works as a win-win. We will always assess your application or question through the following lens:

Will making an exception for you, enable us to serve you AND our current clients, better or worse? 

We have made exceptions which have worked extraordinarily well in the past, so please still enquire if interested.

We also have a network of trusted coaches and consultants who are not part of our Company, but whom we know are trusted and quality providers in their own markets and niches. If we think that another Company will genuinely serve you better, as you better fit their specialisation, we will offer to refer you to them to get the best possible growth on your personal journey.

General Business Items

How Can I Work For

As positions become available in times of expansion, we will post links to current opportunities here.

How Can I Advertise with

We regret to say that we do not place direct advertisements on our podcast, blog, videos or website. 

However, this is by design, so that the men we impact, our clients, can benefit from our services without distraction and follow their Calling to build their online businesses to the fullest extend.

In saying this, we do have 4-5 different ways in which reputable and likeminded companies and influencers can collaborate with us in a win-win situation and we would love to hear from you! Please see our Commercial Proposals page (link)


What Are Your Hours And Days Of Operation?

Due to the nature of our largely, digital services, we are able to serve virtually 24/7, 365 days per year. These services include all publications, videos, podcasts and published training materials.

For new enquiries, strategy sessions over the phone or things which require a person to manually respond, we typically operate on extended business hours and will respond to enquiries of all kinds, within 24 hours for most of the calendar year.

You won’t have to wait, to get what you’re looking for. 

Are You Willing To Make An Exceptional, Bespoke Arrangement For Me?

As a company dedicated to our vision, we focus on adapting our resources and attention to the needs of all premium members first.

We have thoroughly considered the universal nature of the hurdles and challenges which all men face when unlocking their Calling and scaling an online business. From this, we have designed our offerings specific to those needs. These offerings also have some inbuilt flexibility which serves to fill in any of the nuances which your situation will bring.

Beyond this, we are 100% committed to serving high performing members of 7 Figure Calling program and as such, we do offer bespoke plans for coaching and consulting arrangements for such people. To be eligible for such custom arrangement, high performing individuals must have successfully completed out 7 Figure Calling program. This is to ensure all such private clientele have a uniform base of knowledge and experience.


What Is The Refund Policy Of

All of our paid services involve considerable time spent customising, strategising as well as time spend actively coaching and consulting to client.

As such, all of our paid services have a firm no-refund policy.

How Do You Give Back and Do You Support Any Charity?

It’s a reality of economics and business that our time has an opportunity cost.. there is no ‘free lunch’ and my team and I, as a matter of moral obligation, must do that which is most needed for our paying clients as a priority at all times.

In essence, if we try and serve everyone, without regard for commercial viability, we will end up impacting no-one.

However, to aid the vision of empowering one million men to follow their true calling and launch profitable, impactful businesses, we do have a quota of special concession we make annually, to ensure all of our time and talent is utilised yearly.

This takes the form of occasional pro-bono coaching, group seminars or guest speaking engagements to consult and provide pro-bono services where they are needed most. 

In addition to this, our company prefers to steward annual charitable donations to  causes which aid in the wider distribution of business education, preservation of the environment and funding of sustainable overseas initiatives which help empower people to lead their communities.